Streaming Platforms
Setup your Livestream
Go to your YoutubeLive Studio by clicking Create in the top right and then Go Live
If you get a message "Your creator journey begins" you need to create your channel first
Create Channel
Click Get Started and choose your name
Click Create Channel
Now you need to Verify your Channel
When your Live Studio opens but you get a message "Live streaming isn't available right now", you need to Verify your channel first
Verify Channel
Click on your channel picture and go to your Youtube Studio
In the Studio click on Settings in the bottom left
In Settings go to Channel, then Feature eligibility, then click on Features that require phone verification and click on VERIFY PHONE NUMBER
Once you verify your phone number you have to wait 24 hours before you can start your first stream (You can start acquiring all your files in the meantime)
If you haven't streamed on Youtube before you will be presented with a Welcome message
Choose the Later date option - click on START
Then choose Streaming software - click on GO
Click Schedule Stream in the top right
And fill your information (date and time does not affect when the stream will start)
Click Create Stream and your stream's Dashboard should open
Here you'll find your streaming key and you can change the title, thumbnail and description of your stream by clicking EDIT
Now your channel is ready for it's first stream
Watch our video above on how to set up multiple live streams on your channel
Share link to stream
In the Stream Dashboard click on ⮫ Share in top right
Go into your settings
Click on Channel and Videos and your channel dashboard should load
On the left panel click on Stream. Your stream key is under Primary Stream key
To change the title, category and settings of your stream - go to Stream Manager on the left panel and click Edit Stream Info
To change the panels under your stream - go to your channel, click on your profile picture, scroll down and choose Edit Panels